The mid-day slump. We’ve all had it – that sluggish, grumpy slowdown period around 3 or 4 p.m., when the caffeine has worn off, lunch is a memory, and all you want is to put your head down on your desk.
To kick-start your energy level and boost your productivity, take a few minutes to try some of these mid-day habits suggested by personal trainers:
Take a short walk – A little fresh air will do wonders, but if you can’t get outdoors, a jog up the stairs or a walk through the corridors may help get your adrenalin going.
Drink a glass of ice water – It will wake you up, boost your metabolism, and help you feel refreshed.
Have an energy-rich snack – Try a handful of nuts, a cup of yogurt, or apple slices with peanut butter. Avoid candy, which may give you a quick rush but leave you more bogged down than you were.
Make a list for the rest of the day – Listing chores and family or social plans through the evening can help to clear your head and get you focused.
Do some deep breathing – Just a few minutes of deep breathing exercise can help to clear your head and get you energized.
Clean out your email clutter – Cleaning out your inbox during a lull in the afternoon can help you to feel productive and organized and ready to finish out the day.
Read an inspirational quote – Don’t underestimate the power of words to jog you into action. Keep a book of quotes handy, or search online and find a quote that charms and motivates you.
Clean off your desk - A little filing, stacking, and sensible tossing may help to make you feel organized and in-charge.
Listen to some music – A few minutes spent listening to some energetic music may be all you need to clear your head.