Need a Better Night's Sleep? These Plants May Help

Sure, lush greenery and calming florals can help put our minds at ease in the hopes of drifting off to a better night’s sleep, but beyond that, there’s actually science behind why plants can help us sleep better.

For starters, plants help purify the air and release oxygen into our sleeping areas, certain contributors to sound slumber. But taking it a step further, specific varieties of plants create a little more magic in the sleep department. Here are a few varieties to consider:

While the sweet smell of Jasmine is pleasing on many levels, studies have shown that the fragrance can also trigger more restful sleep, reduce anxiety and increase mental performance.

Aloe Vera
You may have used the soothing gel of an aloe plant to nurse a burn or minor cut, but the healing aloe plant can also help your slumber. In fact, aloe plants release a large quantity of oxygen at night (some plants release more oxygen during the day), which means it’s doing double duty in purifying your air. An added plus, aloe, as is the case with most succulents, is super easy to care for. It only needs sunshine in the morning and afternoon, and water once the soil has been dry for an extended period of time. If the leaves are firm, it’s properly hydrated—but if the leaves are pliable, it’s thirsty.  
Snake Plant
The snake plant also releases oxygen at night. In fact, it’s listed by NASA as one of the top 10 air-purifying plants. Like the aloe plant, the snake plant is also easy to care for, not needing direct sun to grow, and content with dry soil between waterings.

Chances are you’ve bought a lavender-scented candle, soap or lotion designed to calm your nerves and restore relaxation. That’s because the aroma has long been known as a soothing agent for young and old alike. Try putting an attractive lavender plant in your bedroom to help you sleep better every night.

Spider Plant
A versatile choice in that it can rest on a bureau or be hung from the ceiling, a spider plant is a great choice for removing toxins and purifying the air while you sleep. An added plus? Spider plants can also go to work on getting rid of unwanted odors.

Source: Martha Stewart

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