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topStories Saturday, February 03, 2024
NAR’s Blueprint: How It Plans to Regain Trust and Reverse Membership Losses
It cannot have been easy for the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) to remain relatively quiet while enduring the broadsides of the media for a variety of reasons over the last year or so. Between losing the Burnett trial, scandals and shake-ups in leadership, NAR has been on the defensive non-stop, while its industry reputation and membership numbers have suffered to varying degrees...
Fresh Economic Data Give Clues to Where Mortgage Rates May Be Headed

Mortgage industry analysts have been watching and waiting to see what the Federal Reserve will do...
Mortgage Rates Tick Down As February Begins

Still hovering in the mid-sixes, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) ticked down The week, averaging 6.63%, down from the previous week’s 6.66%...
Florida the Most Popular Destination for Out-of-State Movers

When a client is ready to list their house, the temptation is there to let them know about that amazing home...
‘HENRYs’: Why Do They Matter to Luxury Real Estate?

The luxury real estate market is ever-changing—and the most successful real estate professionals are the ones who can stay one step...
4 Steps to Recruiting Your Way to a 500% Revenue Increase
Would you like a 500% increase in your topline revenue? You can absolutely do it through a strategic and well-executed recruiting plan. It requires thoughtful leadership, well-designed plans and an absolute commitment to implementation...
The Rental Market Is Softening, but Many Are Still Struggling
Mortgage Applications Decrease Final Week of January
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