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topStories Saturday, January 06, 2024
DOJ Rejects Amended Lawsuit Settlement, Still Seeking to Intervene in MLS PIN Case
The Department of Justice (DOJ), which has remained dogged in its investigation of alleged antitrust behavior in the real estate industry, just gave the clearest indication yet that it will not be satisfied with the kinds of tweaks or changes to rules that have been enacted so far...
Living With Family Becoming More Common Amid Affordability Challenges

With inflation, home prices and mortgage rates at major highs, many homebuyers have been looking at other options...
Where to Find the Biggest Homes and Yards, Without Breaking the Bank

While housing inventory continues to be a struggle, it seems that the average size of a home and lot has also shrunk...
Are Investor-Owned Homes Placing Additional Strain on Housing Supply?

Real estate markets across the board have been challenged with a significant inventory strain...
How Market Data Helps Build Client Connections

Blake Wallace started his career in real estate walking neighborhoods throughout the Minneapolis, Minnesota, area, knocking on doors of strangers’ homes...
Frugal or Foolish? Why Settling on ‘Free’ Tech Costs You More Than You Think
Real estate brokerage operations carry razor-thin margins. Especially with recent market conditions, brokers are struggling to cut costs. Brokerages are settling for less because they think the bare-bones free (or “freemium”) tech they provide their agents is “just good enough.” Unfortunately, it’s not...
Real Estate in 2024: Leveraging the Value of the MLS to Move Forward
2023 Report Shows Growing Awareness, Value of Sustainable Features in a Home Sale
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