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topStories Tuesday, December 05, 2023
‘Golden Handcuffs’ Likely to Shatter in 2024, Bright MLS Says
“We do know that family reasons are still the primary reason why people list their home for sale,” says Dr. Lisa Sturtevant, Bright MLS chief economist. “I think that when we head into the spring, that’s when we’re going to start to see more of the ‘life happens’ moves really impact the market"...
Home Prices Continue to Rally, Growing 3.3% Year Over Year

Home prices grew 3.9% year-over-year in September, and 15 of the 20 major metro markets reported month-over-month price increases...
Consumer Sentiment Continues to Fall in November

“While this marks the fourth consecutive month of declines, November’s reading reflects a balance of factors, some of which improved while others"...
Housing Affordability Said Headed for Turnaround in 2024

2024 is nearly upon us, and® has published its forecast for what the year has in store for real estate professionals...
Pending Home Sales Decline in October; Overall Number Lowest Since 2001

The Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI) dropped 1.5% to 71.4 in October, the lowest number since...
Frugal or Foolish? Why Settling on ‘Free’ Tech Costs You More Than You Think
Real estate brokerage operations carry razor-thin margins. Especially with recent market conditions, brokers are struggling to cut costs. Brokerages are settling for less because they think the bare-bones free (or “freemium”) tech they provide their agents is “just good enough.” Unfortunately, it’s not...
Workforce Housing Focus of NAR Symposium in Columbus, Ohio
The Unintended Consequences of Burnett vs. NAR
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