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topStories Wednesday, November 15, 2023
New Commissions Lawsuits Spread to Manhattan, South Carolina
It appears to have become open season on buyer-broker commissions following the Burnett vs. NAR class action lawsuit in which the defendants were found to have conspired to inflate commissions in violation of federal law, with an award of $1.78 billion to the plaintiffs...
Job Growth Cools With U.S. Economy Adding 150,000 Jobs in October

Total nonfarm payroll growth increased by 150,000 in October, and the unemployment rate changed little, increasing 3.9%...
An Unprecedented Beginning

When her tenure as 2024 president began, Kasper immediately became the focal point of crisis-management operations in the wake of deposed president Kenny Parcell. Her objective is...
CRS Data: A Prospecting Must for Real Estate Professionals

When leads and listings are plentiful, interest rates low and inventory high, homes usually sell fast. Real estate agents may not have time to dive...
Podcasts Provide a Vital, Flexible and Free Learning Resource for Agents

Busy agents know it may be impossible to be an expert on every real estate topic. But it’s entirely doable to...
Revolutionizing Commissions: A Win-Win Approach in Real Estate
A transformational shift is underway in the real estate industry, as the consideration of offering a 0% commission to the selling agent gains traction. This change might seem alarming at first glance, but it opens the door to a new and innovative approach to commissions that can bring benefits to all parties involved...
As Treasury Yields Decline, Mortgage Rates Move Down
Job Growth Cools With U.S. Economy Adding 150,000 Jobs in October
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