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topStories Thursday, October 05, 2023
The Playbook: Client Finances... What Must You Know? How Much Should You Ask?
Mortgage rates are the highest they’ve been in years. Inventory is tight and home prices have stayed elevated. Thus, many prospective homebuyers who thought they had their finances buttoned up are suddenly having to recalculate, and often stretch, if able to purchase at all...
Put Your Agents‘ Safety First

Access NAR’s Safety Toolkit to develop a strong culture of safety in your firm. Share safety tips, discussion topics, and webinars year-round with your agents ...
What Is Wellness Real Estate, and Why Should REALTORS® Care?

Communities intentionally designed to support healthier living means so much more than adding a pool or...
4 Reasons Buyers Should Visit a Home Often Before Committing

Love at first sight is all well and good in a movie, but when it comes to buying a house there’s no such thing...
Half of Major Metros Post Yearly Price Gains Amid Summer Rally

Even as sales have slumped, home prices have remained mostly resilient and even beaten long-term averages...
How You Frame Challenges Defines Your Ability to Meet Them
I like art, but I’m the first one to tell you that I’m not very good at it. I don’t know all the famous painters, or the differences in brush-stroke styles, but I have learned recently that the frame they put the artwork into matters just as much as the artwork itself...
Mortgage Rates Reach Highest Level in Almost 23 Years Last Week
Diverse REALTOR® Advocate Groups Join ‘Stop Hate’ Initiative
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