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topStories Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Social Skills: The Best Tools to Track Your Data and Propel Your Business
Analytics are one of the most important metrics to use in order to track and propel your business on social media. This data allows you to enhance your marketing through seeing direct results of your posts and campaigns, broken down into specifics
Inflation Rises Again, Though Economists Stay Optimistic

For the second month in a row, inflation is up, as the last Consumer Price Index (CPI) report before the Federal Reserve’s September meeting could drive further rate increase...
Mortgage Applications Decrease, Reaching Lowest Level Since 1996

Mortgage applications decreased 0.8% from one week earlier, when it decreased 2.9%, according to the latest Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey...
Demand Grows for Walkable Communities

35% of Gen Z and 33% of millennial respondents interested in living in a walkable community said that they are willing to “pay a lot more”...
Zombie Foreclosures Hold Steady in Q3 2023

ATTOM’s Vacant Property and Zombie Foreclosure Report for Q3 2023 found that 315,425 residential properties are in the process of foreclosure, up 1.3% from Q2...
Getting a Jumpstart on Your 2024 Real Estate Business Plan
We know it’s sometimes difficult to focus on big-picture items—like marketing your brand—when you’re overwhelmed with a significant to-do list. But we encourage you to schedule a distraction-free day (or two) to focus on the future of your business...
Where Homeowners Can Get the Largest, and Smallest, Home Equity Loans
Home Prices Tick Up After Two Months of Declines
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