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topStories Monday, August 28, 2023
Brokers, Are Your Tools Actually Helping Agents?
Successful brokerages need to stay innovative to improve their profitability. This includes adapting to the modern market, attracting and retaining top agents, and offering tools and services to level up your brand.
Existing-Home Sales Activity Falls Further in July Amid Rate and Supply Hurdles
Existing-home sales took another hit last month as mortgage rates and a lagging inventory have continued to plague buyers bold enough to enter the market in the current conditions....
Rising Number of Rentals Drives Down Rent Prices
Rent prices continued to decrease year-over-year for the third straight month, according to a new report from
U.S. Home Investor Share Remains High
The large U.S. home investor share seen since 2019 has held steady in Q2 2023, according to a new report from CoreLogic....
13 Essential Features of a Luxury Home

We believe that luxury is not only a housing trend but also a mindset. So, what are the essential features that define a modern luxury home?...
Uncovering Hidden Savings: Helping Create Lifelong Clients by Reducing Title and Closing Costs
While most buyers are focused on negotiating the sale price or getting seller concessions, few are aware of another area they can save money: title and settlement costs....
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