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topStories Friday, June 23, 2023
Team Tactics: Getting To Know Your Teammates Pays Dividends
Being part of any team means working together; that takes mutual trust, cooperation and understanding. But you can’t achieve any of those if you don’t know the other person. If you can cold call leads to convince them to become your clients, then striking up a friendship with someone else in your office will be a piece of cake...
Huge Surge in Housing Starts Defies Predictions

Around the near future of housing as buildings and developers push construction of new units to a 13-month high...
Where Are Housing-Market Challenges Taking a Heavier Toll?

The West bore the brunt of the market slowdown, while the Midwest, South and Northeast remain less affected...
Luxury Real Estate Dominated by Women and the Well-Educated

The state of luxury real estate has shifted in recent years to be more focused on women and the well-educated...
Mid-Atlantic Market Remains Competitive Amidst Low Inventory

Homes continue to sell fast and the lack of new listings suggests that prices in the region have bottomed out...
Why Community Involvement Will Elevate Your Business
Being a productive real estate agent means more than just putting in the lead generation hours and doing some door-knocking. In order to really make an impact on the community you're serving, you need to become a familiar face. How can you best do that...
Californians Are Jumping Ship to Texas
The Misunderstood Housing Market
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