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topStories Saturday, May 27, 2023
New This Year: 2023 Rookie of the Year Awards to Include 5 Regional Winners

RISMedia’s second annual 
Real Estate Rookie of the Year contest is expanding to include honors for five regional winners that will be announced in September, ahead of the national 2023 Rookie of the Year, who will be revealed and awarded during RISMedia’s Power Broker Reception & Dinner this November in Anaheim, California...
Latest Fed Rate Hike Unnecessary, Says NAR Chief Economist

NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun said he expects the Fed will stop raising interest rates further...
Latinos: Champions of American Homeownership

NAHREP shows that Latino homeownership rates have been steadily increasing over the past eight years, reaching nearly 50% in 2022...
Southern Metros Remain Overvalued, Researchers Say

“Zoom towns” cropped up as remote workers poured into exurbs around mid-size metros, seeking space and other amenities...
Where Are the Highest and Lowest Mortgage Payments?

Homeowners nationwide pay an average payment of $2,317 monthly on their mortgages, according to a new report from LendingTree...
3 Key Ways Best Real Estate Agents Leave Their Comfort Zones
Real estate agents who excel in their field aren’t doing so by accident. They have a common trait – the willingness to keep taking steps that are further and further outside their comfort zones as they reach for bigger and better goals...
NAR President Testifies Before Congressional Panel About New Mortgage Fees
Median Rent Price Slightly Increases
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