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topStories Wednesday, May 17, 2023
THE PLAYBOOK: Retaining Agents by Staying Connected With Them
If you’re a broker, part of your responsibility in running your brokerage is making sure it's a place agents want to stay. Even if you’re not actively growing your team (and there are benefits to holding back on expansion), you don’t want to be losing agents either...
Controversial Fee Changes and FHFA Rescission Stir Up Mortgage Landscape

FHFA officials drew industrywide fanfare following a Wednesday announcement that...
Foreclosure Activity Declines Slightly in April

A total of 32,977 properties have foreclosure filings, down 10% from a month ago but up 8% from a year ago...
Mortgage Rates Inch Down Last Week

“The week’s decrease continues a recent sideways trend in mortgage rates, which is a welcome departure from the record increases of last year"...
NAR Invites Tech Startups to ‘Pitch Battle’ at Summit

The 2023 Innovation, Opportunity & Investment (iOi) Summit., the fifth annual, will take place August 29-30 in Miami, Florida...
4 Things to Research Before Buying a House
Even if the home fits your requirements and the price is right, the home could be hiding a checkered past. Finding out the history of a house could be the key to making the right purchase decision. Some properties are issue free, while others could have vital information you'll want to investigate...
Latest Fed Rate Hike Unnecessary, Says NAR Chief Economist
7 of 10 Metro Markets Register Home-Price Gains in Q1 2023
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