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topStories Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Social Skills: Essential Real Estate Accounts to Follow
Using your social media to follow other popular industry professionals and organizations is a great way to learn and grow from your peers and educators. Not only will they provide great coaching and experiences for you to absorb, but they also provide inspiration for building your own social media presence...
Economists Urge Pause on Rate Hikes With Inflation Flat

As the latest inflation data shows continued, albeit slow, progress toward taming record inflation, some in the housing industry...
Latest Fed Rate Hike Unnecessary, Says NAR Chief Economist

NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun said he expects the Fed will stop raising interest rates further...
Mortgage Applications Up At Beginning of May

The Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage loan application volume, increased 6.3% on a seasonally adjusted basis...
NAR Plans Vote on Proposal to Raise Dues With Inflation

An NAR spokesperson told RISMedia that the Board of Directors would formally vote this past Thursday on the proposal...
How to Get a Listing When You’re a New Part-Time Agent
It’s not uncommon for many real estate agents to get their start as a part-time agent. After all, there are bills to pay, right? As a new agent who needs experience, starting off part time is often necessary until you know for certain you can make a living at it and feed your family...
7 of 10 Metro Markets Register Home-Price Gains in Q1 2023
A Stunning Stat: More Pets Than Kids at Home
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