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topStories Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Acting Out: How Role Playing Can Perfect Your Interpersonal Skills
Remember back in school when you were taking a big test? You’d be at your desk and very likely knew how you’d do before even starting. If you had studied hard, you were confident that you’d ace it. If you hadn’t, you hoped to get lucky, but knew doing poorly was more likely...
Builder Confidence Higher in March but Future Outlook Uncertain

​Although high construction costs and elevated interest rates continue to hamper housing affordability...
Wholesale Prices Fall as Fed Eyes Big Picture

The Producer Price Index (PPI), another gauge of inflation that measures prices for wholesale goods and services, fell further than expected this month...
Mortgage Applications Increased Again Last Week

The Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage loan application volume, increased 6.5% on a seasonally adjusted basis from one week earlier...
Low Inventory and High Prices Present Challenges for Women Homebuyers

According to NAR data, women typically have less buying power than both married couples and single men...
How Title Insurance Works in Real Estate
This insurance protects home buyers and mortgage lenders should there be a problem with the title that causes a financial loss. There are two types of insurance policies for the title; one is lenders' title insurance which protects the lender through the buyer paying for it...
Annual Home Equity Gains Cool Again in Q4 2022
Second Century Ventures Selects 7 UK Companies for 2023 REACH
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