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topStories Saturday, January 14, 2023
What to Expect From the Housing Market and the Economy in 2023
2022 was somewhat of a mixed bag economically, and the mixed nature of 2022 will likely persist into 2023. In a new report from LendingTree, Senior Economist Jacob Channel shared his predictions for the state of housing, jobs and the economy in 2023.
THE PLAYBOOK: Mitigating Client Confusion in a Shifting Housing Market

The Playbook is an RISMedia weekly segment centering on what brokers and agents are doing to ensure they...
The Institute: December Luxury Market Report

In this month’s report we look at why the affluent are taking the long view with respect to luxury real estate ownership. As the market continues...
4 Big Scheduling Tweaks to Create Balance and Productivity

Scheduling is one of the hardest things to talk about for real estate professionals because every day looks different...
5 Reasons Real Estate Professionals Should Be Wary of Cryptocurrency

Crypto’s problems have been well-documented. Here are some ways cryptocurrency could impact you...
4 Tips for Starting the New Year on a High Note
Some believe it's not how you start but how you finish that counts, but it never hurts to start a new year on the right foot. Most real estate professionals would agree that the start of a new year can bring some anxiety......
Reflecting a Weakening Housing Market, Builder Confidence Declines Again in December
The State of Real Estate: What Agents Need to Know for the Coming Year
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