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topStories Wednesday, December 21, 2022
The Hottest Rental Markets in 2022
With more than two-thirds of renters renewing their leases and an average occupancy rate of more than 95%, this year’s rental market was competitive.’s 2022 Year-End report analyzed five metrics in the 135 largest markets to determine a Rental Competitivity Index
The State of Real Estate: What Agents Need to Know for the Coming Year

There is no doubt that real estate, after a hectic few years, has dramatically changed. Mortgage rates have doubled in response to rising inflation...
With an Eye on Sustainability, NAR to Plant One Tree for Every REALTOR®

With sustained winds just a few miles per hour shy of a Category 5, Ian became the strongest hurricane to hit Florida since 2018...
5 Reasons Real Estate Professionals Should Be Wary of Cryptocurrency

Crypto’s problems have been well-documented. Here are some ways cryptocurrency could impact you...
Avoiding Fair Housing Pitfalls: Don’t Become the Next Lawsuit

While the Fair Housing Act made has made it illegal for real estate professionals to discriminate for over 50 years, complaints and lawsuits remain pervasive to this day...
’Tis The Season for Community Building
This time of year has a strong identity. Community is chief in my mind as the later months roll along, and right there along with it comes teams and the benefits they bring to those who belong to them. Teams increase a sense of belonging, community, and collaboration in real estate...
After Record Run-Up, Multifamily Rents Skid in November
Downward Inflation Trend Holds Firm in November
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