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topStories Saturday, December 17, 2022
Downward Inflation Trend Holds Firm in November
It may not be time to rejoice quite yet, but folks can take some solace this holiday season as the latest consumer price index (CPI) report
Avoiding Fair Housing Pitfalls: Don’t Become the Next Lawsuit

While the Fair Housing Act made has made it illegal for real estate professionals to discriminate for over 50 years, complaints and lawsuits remain pervasive to this day...
Multifamily Development Is Driving Self-Storage Markets to New Heights

Self-storage space swelled in all 100 US metros where apartment inventories expanded, according to...
How Much Money and Space Have Homebuyers Lost?

Record-high interest rates, coupled with record-high home prices mean buyers are experiencing major losses in both purchasing power and living space...
The Top 100 Most Expensive U.S. Zip Codes Reach New Records

Home prices were on the upswing in even more locations this year than last, with 86% of the 100 priciest zip codes...
6 Mindset Rules for More Income
Now more than ever the agents on your team need to increase their sales skills to compete at a higher level and win. Win listings, win sales, win more opportunities, and win more market share. All of this leads to increased performance, production, and ultimately more income......
October Home Price Growth Slows to Half of Spring 2022 Peak
The Pandemic Era’s Hottest Markets Are Leading the U.S. in Price Reductions
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