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topStories Friday, December 02, 2022
Second Century Ventures Expands REACH Program to Latin America
After successfully accelerating more than 100 companies through its U.S.-based programs, REACH began global expansion in 2019; it has since opened programs in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. As the next region targeted for expansion, the Latin American real estate industry represents nearly $1 trillion USD in opportunity...
50 Cities That Offer the Best Value for Your Money if You Work Remote

With 5 million Americans now working remotely, it’s useful to know the places that offer not only great working and living conditions, but also affordable rates...
Home Prices Hold, With Long Road Ahead

Home prices fell again in September, according to the latest reading from the S&P Case-Shiller Index, down a modest 0.8% from August...
Multifamily Development Is Driving Self-Storage Markets to New Heights

Self-storage space swelled in all 100 US metros where apartment inventories expanded, according to...
Housing Starts, Permits Fall Unevenly, With Hope on the Horizon

Housing starts, new permits and finished construction all continued to fall in October...
Growing Your Team in a Changing Market
Having a 1-, 3- and 5-year plan is so helpful to strategic growth. Being able to pivot and adjust to the outcomes quickly and make new plans is the key. Here are some ways to ensure you increase listings, sales, new hires, recruits, company revenue, market share and profits in the next year to two years...
U.S. Mortgage Delinquencies Remain Near Historic Low in September
Converted Apartments Up 25% from Pre-Pandemic Numbers
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