RISMedia's Sunday Showcase
Sunday, October 06, 2019
Today's Lead Story
Steps to a Solid Business Plan for Next Year
There are less than three months left in 2019, and a better real estate business in 2020 is attainable; however, you need to do the proper... More
7 Sales-Focused Strategies to Win in the Fourth Quarter
It’s the beginning of the fourth quarter, and there are 92 sales days left in the year for you... More
Social Skills: How to Spot Real Estate Scams
Scams no longer take place solely on email and by phone. According to Statista, over 2.5... More
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Real Estate Analysis: The Benefits of Shopping Around for a Mortgage
The average homebuyer spends countless hours online looking at listings, views more than four homes, attends approximately... More
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How to Evaluate Information You Read Online
How can you tell if what you're reading online is true?
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