RISMedia's Sunday Showcase
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Today's Lead Story
Using the Weekend to Revamp Your Listing Presentation
In real estate, when it comes to building your business, converting leads is the name of the game. One of the most impactful ways of... More
Are Human Appraisers Being Phased Out? Federal Regulators Vote to Loosen Requirements
The days of human appraisers may be coming to an end for homes priced under $400,000... More
Is Your Job Satisfaction Negatively Impacting Your Earnings?
Job satisfaction impacts your overall income, according to our latest research. We surveyed... More
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How to Avoid Dust Buildup in Household Appliances
Have you ever turned on one of the household appliances that hasn't been used in a while and watched dust fly out of it... More
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How to Evaluate Information You Read Online
How can you tell if what you're reading online is true?
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