RISMedia's Sunday Showcase
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Today's Lead Story
Boost Productivity This Weekend Without Feeling Like You‘re Working
As a successful agent, time likely isn’t on your side. For even the most veteran real estate professionals... More
Apologies, Video and Other Surefire Ways to Reconnect
Every salesperson wants to be on top of their service and sales, but what happens when... More
Stay Busy to Fend Off a Quiet Q4 While Others Take a Break
Are you ready for Q4? It sounds like an easy question, but you’re not alone if you find it’s... More
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Move Where the Fun Is Happening
Many of us move for work, family or school—but how about moving for fun? According to... More
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How to Evaluate Information You Read Online
How can you tell if what you're reading online is true?
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