Expenses You Can Reduce to Help Afford a Loan Modification
With the help of certified housing counselors, many homeowners are reducing their living expenses and applying those savings to their monthly mortgage payments. Others are seeking a mortgage loan modification, which can be a lifeline for any homeowner faced with foreclosure.
"It's critical that homeowners understand exactly what they can afford because a loan modification that is ultimately unaffordable hurts everyone," says Michelle Jones, SVP of Counseling for Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) of Greater Atlanta. "We help consumers create a lean, sustainable budget that will support the family's housing costs." With guidance from their counselors, here are some simple steps that many homeowners have taken in recent weeks to help qualify for a loan modification: - Use less electricity. Homeowners are turning up the thermostat to reduce air-conditioning expenses, turning off lights, and unplugging appliances to help reduce power bills."Increasing the income available to apply to your mortgage will enhance your chances of being approved for a loan modification," saysJones. "It will also increase the likelihood that you will be able to stay current on your payments and fulfill your responsibility to the lender." For more information, visit www.995hope.org. |
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