Selling Your Place? Tips for Negotiating
In talking with real estate professionals across the country, I noticed that most of them are expressing concerns about dwindling or dismal inventory for sellers to consider. Most are advising that if potential buyers learns about a property that appeals to them, they should run - not walk - to check it out. Even those who are the first to learn of a new listing should be prepared to negotiate against other aggressive and possibly well-financed contenders. In the next few segments, we'll take a look at what prospects need to know when they are pursuing, or competing to get into a new home in a tight inventory market. We'll also provide some insight to sellers who want to get their price. A blog at, has good advice for sellers who want to respond to low ball offers. The site suggests instead of getting into a debate about money, try sweetening the pot with a variety of counter-offers, including:
Incentives, especially for first time homebuyers, can often do the trick, the site states. says even in declining markets it is extremely important to be cognizant of comparable properties, and to price one's home to entice potential buyers to view it and ultimately bid on it. That site says sellers should reject the temptation to hold out for top dollar, or to price the home at the upper end of what the market will bear. To get a sense of what similar homes are selling for, recommends:
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